
Saturday, April 20, 2013

Keeping My Uterus: The Importance of Research and Second Opinions with Health Issues

     As a result of doing extensive research about what techniques, herbs, foods, exercises, etc were used to shrink fibroids, I decided to give Acupuncture a try. The whole procedure of using pins didn't make me too nervous as I came to understand how it will work on my body. It would assist me in restoring balance internally....... 

     The hysterectomy route seemed extreme just to alleviate one situation. My question was:

Why take out the whole uterus when there is nothing is wrong with it?

The answer to that given by two Ob/Gyns was:

A hysterectomy will alleviate you of any symptoms, discomfort or pain, and offer assurance that the fibroids would not return.

In addition, there seemed to be this slightly aggressive manner that both assumed in their own way in directing me to have a hysterectomy.  All the fast talk of the shots I had to take (Lupron), the inconvenience of having to possibly miss work for a substantial duration, and the 'absoluteness' of having a hysterectomy as the only way to treat the fibroids. I begged to differ.  After receiving no other suggestion that would/could be non-invasive, I got a bit peeved.  Hence my journey to shrink my fibroids began.

By the way, from a manner of deduction based on the symptoms I experienced when diagnosed with having multiple fibroids, the type I have are subserosal. I had a sonogram done when first diagnosed, and showed a huge mass. These type grow on the outside of the uterine wall, and can begin to press upon other surrounding organs. Feel free to find out about the types of fibroids that can afflict the uterus here.

I read as much as I could, located an affordable, respected, and well experienced  Acupunture  Practitioner in my area, and my "shock treatments" began. The type of Acupunture that is done with me is termed Non-invasive Moxibustion Acupunture.

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