
Thursday, March 28, 2013

Why Acupuncture to Shrink Fibroids?

........Okay, I've told you how I am shrinking my fibroids. Let me give you some insight as to why I chose to go down the Acupuncture path.

       Acupuncture ".... involves the stimulation of points on the body using a variety of techniques, such as penetrating the skin with needles that are then manipulated manually or by electrical stimulation. It is one of the key components of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), and is among the oldest healing practices in the world.[1] According to the traditional Chinese medicine approach, stimulating specific acupuncture points corrects imbalances in the flow of qi through channels known as meridians...." (Wikipedia).

     I explored research about its effectiveness, saw videos of people undergoing acupuncture procedures, and noticed how many other varied medical conditions it remedied or improved. Once feeling comfortable enough to understand the physical and spiritual concepts involved within TCM and how the mechanism of acupuncture worked, I began searching for  a reputable Acupuncture practitioner in my area. Once found (in May, 2012), I began going to 'shock treatment' sessions semi-weekly for three weeks. My doctor explained that he had never had a case of working with fibroids the size of mine (16cm), and he clearly was not that optimistic that the procedure would work for me. However, after the first two visits I clearly noticed a softening in my lower abdominal area. This softening has gradually continued up to today('s post).  My lower abdominal area and upper torso area (right under the rib cage) was expanded. Now, just my lower right abdominal area has a little "bump".  It seems this is the area from whence my fibroids started. It has remained the most stubborn part of my tummy to soften and deflate.  Even so, I can see a flat horizon over the hill of my last fibroid.

      My figure is 85% mine again. This is a great time incorporate some sit-ups to tighten the slightly flabby stomach muscles, and get my six pack back into action by the summer! Even though I didn't  much exercise regularly/working out while undergoing acupuncture, it does not hurt, but only helps the cause if you are trying to shrink your fibroids.


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