
Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Acupuncture Results to Shrink Fibroids Dismissed by MD


Go West or East?
 Deciding Which Medical Path to Take
      On yesterday I visited with a new Gynecologist (3rd one) in order to gain another opinion/recommendation about more that could be done regarding my fibroids, as well as my regular wellness exam.  After extensive conversation about symptoms, discomfort, heavy bleeding (of which I have none), I mentioned and showed the Doctor how much of a reduction I had experienced from doing the 16 months I had been undergoing weekly Acupuncture. Due to my age, he expressed that I was within the range of experiencing the beginning effects of menopause (which is decreased estrogen production), and....."that was the reason my fibroids were shrinking, not the Acupuncture". I was a little miffed when I heard him say this, as I knew these things:
  • My large fibroids began to show shrinkage within the first two weeks of  undergoing Acupuncture.
  • During two periods when I skipped Acupuncture sessions, the fibroids grew and became harder. It took almost a month to get on track to the shrinkage level accomplished before.
  • Every week there is a distinct degree of shrinkage and softening of the remaining fibroid masses.
  • Pictures shown throughout this blog, in addition to comments from friends who've noticed that I've "lost weight" attest to the fibroid shrinkage I've undergone over the last 16 month.
      There seemingly was no room for the Doctor to consider that an alternative method that has been practiced for centuries could have a real affect on my fibroid situation.
      Based on the empirical evidence above, conversely, I'd have to dismiss the MD's claim that Acupuncture is not the reason my fibroids are shrinking. Acupuncture, for me has shown an obvious, direct effect on my shrinking fibroids. Without it, they grow very fast. With that said, I would have to connect the dots from Acupuncture to estrogen levels and  a possible relationship between the two, instead of menopause to further support the belief that the Acupuncture is to be credited for fibroid shrinkage. I am not sure at what rate my body may be decreasing in estrogen production. Clearly, some more research and a follow-up is needed.
      After my exam, I was directed to schedule a sonogram with the RN on staff, and the Doctor said he would check to ensure that "things were stable".  Unlike the other (2) Gynecologists I had previously seen, this one didn't immediately bark "You need to have a hysterectomy to get rid of the fibroids", which was refreshing. Instead, he explained that the prior hysterectomy recommendations I'd received resulted in the preventative measures for Ovarian Cancer. As the fibroids grow, they may hide what is happening to the uterus, and once Ovarian Cancer is discovered, it could be to late, or dire circumstances would prevail. (It would have been nice if my other Gynecologists would  have articulated this to me.) 
      Interestingly enough, the Doctor mentioned nothing else about the Acupuncture. I kinda thought he would be a bit curious - heck I was ready to give him the web address to my blog so he could see the results that have occurred over time for himself. But  he is the trained professional, not me. I didn't want to force my opinion of seeking an alternative method to shrink my large fibroids. I chose this Doctor because of his training and expertise.  Who am I to disagree or contradict what he says according to the dictates of Western medicine. However, the results I've received from the Acupuncture, a technique used from Traditional Chinese Medicine is has been safe, non-invasive, convenient AND effective.
      After the sonogram next week, we will be able to see how much shrinkage has occurred over the last year. Remember, I started out with fibroids measuring up to 16cm! I am excited to see how small they measure now. Also, with a fresher perspective from a new Doctor, I will find out if a hysterectomy or other procedure is indeed necessary at this point.....until then, I will continue with my weekly Acupuncture sessions.
Happy Health!


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Thursday, October 3, 2013

Shrink Fibroids by Detoxing

                 First Line of Defense to Shrink Fibroids - Detoxing 

      Uterine fibroids result as an imbalance that disrupts the normal function of the Reproductive System. In addition to the various methods employed to address shrinkage, and eventual recovery from uterine fibroids, detoxing the body is one of the best, initial things that can be done. Due to the toxic internal environment of the body (as well as environmental factors), fibroids are manifested  and continue to grow as the body continually strives towards homeostasis.

The following factors have been cited (through personal research) as the reasons/causes for fibroid formations:

  • Heredity (it may run in the family)
  • Estrogen dominance (which can occur right before perimenopause)
  • Excessive intake of caffeine
  • High levels of stress
  • Poor diet/lack of exercise (eating lots of meat, foods high in fat, cholesterol, salt and sugar, as well as processed foods)
  • High levels of stress
  • Excessive alcohol intake
  • Smoking
  • Use of illicit drugs (narcotics, stimulants, depressants, and  hallucinogens. (Cannabis is included as an illicit drug, although I would have to argue against this one based on its healing and restorative properties) 
  • Exposure to high levels of pollutants, environmental contaminants, and preservatives found in foods, soaps, shampoos, lotions, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals (i.e. parabens)
  • Stifled creativity that has not been unleashed or realized (goals, life objectives, stagnancy in a job or relationship)
  • Insecurity about sexual identity
  • Unrealized desires to have a baby

Making an attempt to clean out your internal system and restore order is needed to 'jump start' your body on the path to healing itself, in turn, shrinking the fibroids.

Steps of detoxing your system if you have fibroids:

  1. Clean your colon
  2. Clean your liver
  3. Clean your kidneys
  4. Restore uterus to a healthier state/uterine toning
  5. Restore a homeostatic environment internally
Please click on the links for steps 1-4 to understand how and why detoxing of these organs are important. It is essential to know that you should discuss these steps with your Doctor before trying. In many cases, not all steps may be necessary for YOU, specifically.

As far as step as step 5 is concerned, restoring a homeostatic environment internally on a general level would include:
  • altering your diet (consuming organic foods/juices whenever possible is best, eat lean meats and lots of veggies)
  • increasing water intake (divide weight in half and drink that amount in ounces of water daily to make sure you are adequately hydrated)
  • implementing a weekly exercise routine (3-4 times each week, or 180 minutes of brisk walking per week) 
  • making time during the day or night to do deep breathing exercises (oxygen helps in restoring optimal function and rejuvenation to cells and organs)
  • meditation (offers mind-body realignment, helps to put chakras in balance, and alleviate stress)

     Feel free to check out my personal weekend detox plan here.

     In addition, check out these detox plans by Dr. Oz:

     Dr. Oz's 48 hour cleanse
     3-Day Detox Cleanse

      I recommend these plans because they don't leave the body depleted of necessary nutrients (like the molasses-cayenne pepper tea can, for example), the fruits/herbs/vegetables/juices used don't cost much (many items you may already have in the fridge or in the pantry), and they don't leave you feeling weak as you continue to function normally on a daily basis.

For some intermittent detoxing, try Dr. Oz's recipes for:
detox smoothie
acai berry detox
detox soup
detox tea

     You may also find that after you begin your preferred method of detoxing, you will lose some extra weight (which, for many of us is a nice added benefit).

Remember: 'put the good stuff in your body to get the bad stuff out of your body'.

*********Please consult your Doctor before beginning any detox plan.

Happy Health!