
Monday, November 17, 2014

Can Pineapples Shrink Uterine Fibroids?

The Power of the Pineapple

      From recent research about the various systemic enzymes used in 'Fibroid Cure' supplements, one stood out to me: the enzyme Bromelain. Bromelain comes from pineapples (heavier concentrations in the stem and core), and has fibrinolytic properties that can help shrink uterine fibroids.

      I found the use of Bromelain in the majority of the 'Fibroid Cures' I came across, and did some in depth investigating about the powers of the pineapple. I was impressed with the review of the fruit, as well as the myriad of benefits that Bromelain has exhibited in clinical studies. The most current study I've found includes the use of Bromelain in assisting Cancer patients, and enhances recovery time for those that have undergone chemotherapy. It showed that the body in Cancer recovery reacted better to doses of Bromelain than conventional drugs used after chemo treatments, and there were no side effects.  In addition, Bromelain is used/suggested for:

  • reducing swelling (inflammation), especially of the nose and sinuses
  • after surgery or injury
  • hay fever
  • treating a bowel condition that includes swelling and ulcers (ulcerative colitis)
  • removing dead and damaged tissue after injury (debridement)
  • preventing the collection of water in the lung (pulmonary edema),
  • relaxing muscles
  • stimulating muscle contractions
  • slowing clotting
  • improving the absorption of antibiotics
  • preventing cancer
  • shortening labor
  • helping the body get rid of fat
      The highlighted benefits are on cue with shrinking fibroids. Bromelain, is an enzyme composite made up of several other enzymes. An extract of Bromelain is what is used in many Fibroid supplements.  It falls under the classification of being both a systemic AND digestive enzyme. That translates to benefits that assist in better digestion of food in the stomach and through the intestines, which allows for increased nutrient absorption, and by working within the blood to exert anticoagulant, anti-inflammatory, and fibrinolytic properties that can assuage fibroid symptoms, help shrink, and eventually dissolve fibroids.
                               Fibrin development over red blood cells
      Fibroids are composed of layers of fibrin, along with red blood cells and dead cell tissue. Fibrin, is made up of protein. Bromelain is an enzyme that is characterized as proteolytic, which means it can breakdown protein. This, in turn, will cause a breakdown of fibrin, and THAT will assist fibroids to shrink.
      Keep in mind that the regimen to heal oneself of fibroids involves a multi-pronged approach. Balancing hormones, inhibiting excess estrogen production, expelling estrogen by supporting a healthy liver and kidneys, consuming anti-estrogenic, fibrinolytic, and organic foods, exercise, relaxation techniques, and a host of other actions work together in shrinking fibroids. 
     With all the wonderful benefits pineapples offer, it is a travesty that more research hasn't gone into this 'Super Food'. Traditional, cultural use offers evidence of the healing powers of the pineapple, limited medical research has attested to many of its health benefits, but not enough research has been done to declare it "viable" enough to be promoted as bona fide healing agent (along with being a great nutritional source).
    While maintaining my natural approach in dissolving my fibroids, I choose to use food/herbs as means to reset my body back to a healthier, balanced state. Eating to heal is the one of the paths I follow to shrink my fibroids. I believe that God provided Man with herbs, flowers, fruits and vegetables that he would need to heal himself, as He would surely run into some natural, human afflictions that would arise while existing on Earth. 

My adopted mantra by Dr. Carl Pfeiffer goes:
"For every drug that benefits a patient, there is a natural substance that can achieve the same effect."
     The pineapple is one of many natural options that exist to help shrink fibroids, due to the presence and effects of Bromelain. 

      Check with your Doctor first, and get a professional medical opinion if you consider using Bromelain extract, or (my suggested method) incorporating more pineapples into your diet to help shrink your fibroids. Also, do as much research as possible. What may work for one, may not work for another.
Happy Health!

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Ingredients In Fibroid Shrinking Supplements

      The ingredients in  many fibroid shrinking supplements can consist of any combination of vitamins, herbs and/or enzymes in varying proportions. Many formulas offer convincing reviews on their web sites as to their effectiveness, that the product is natural and safe, and guarantees of success.
      In choosing the natural route to shrinking my fibroids (no surgery/anything invasive), I was curious to find out what specific 'natural' ingredients seemed to be causing fibroid shrinkage in these supplements. Moreover, I wanted to explore  a DIY approach by seeking the same/similar results of further shrinkage with my fibroids through consuming the actual fruit or vegetable sources, as opposed to taking the manufactured supplements.
       Below is a list of ingredients I frequently found included in many popular fibroid cures, their sources, and the (possible) beneficial effects they have on fibroids that research has offered through limited testing:
Bromelain - An enzyme derived from the pineapple,  bromelain is more abundant in the stem but pervades throughout the fruit.  It is said (through limited/varied research) to have anti-clotting properties due to its ability to breakdown protein. This, in turn can greatly assist in alleviating painful cramps and heavy clotting during menstruation, and work to dissolve fibrin.
Papain - This enzyme is found in papayas, and also has the ability to break down protein. Hence, it is fribrinolytic. Fibroids are made of fibrin, which consists of protein.....are you following me here, ladies? The breakdown of fibrin leads to shrinking fibroids.
Quercetin - This is a compound found in many vegetables, fruits and grains including: onions, apples, and buckwheat. Tea, especially matcha or green teas possess substantial amounts. Quercetin is said to control inflammation (according to some studies). The use of  quercetin may address bloating and pain.
Rutin - This compound can  be found in apples, asparagus and citrus fruits, among other fruits and vegetables. It is similar in chemical make-up as its cousin quercetin above, and offers the ability to inhibit blood clot formation, and work as an anti-inflammatory.
Amla - Also known as Indian Gooseberry, amla is a fruit that is high in antioxidants and vitamin C. Among its many uses, it serves as a base additive for many Ayuruvedic healing blends, and is known to invigorate the body (by detoxing the liver, and cleansing the blood). Fibroids result due to an overproduction of estrogen. The liver is where estrogen is absorbed out of the body and expelled. If the liver is not working properly, it will not be able to filter the estrogen out, and a reabsorption of estrogen in introduced back into the body. This in turn will lead to the formation of newer fibroids and contribute to current fibroids increasing in size.
Vitamin D -  Exposure to sunlight allows our bodies to naturally produce this vitamin, although other  food sources include eggs, salmon, eel, fortified cereals and processed cheeses. Recent studies have suggested that Vitamin D3 may reduce the risk of uterine fibroids, and assists in shrinking fibroids.
Vitamin E - (Recommended by Dr. Andrew Weil)  Sources of Vitamin E include almonds, wheat germ, peanuts, turnip/mustard/collard greens, safflower oil and spinach. "

How does it work?  "Vitamin E is an important vitamin required for the proper function of many organs in the body. It is also an antioxidant. This means it helps to slow down processes that damage cells.

Nattokinase - "... is an enzyme extracted and purified from a Japanese food called nattō. Nattō is made from fermented soybeans and has been eaten in Japan for about a thousand years."
In relation to fibroids, nattokinase has been shown through various, yet few studies to be a strong fibrinolytic agent, and natural blood-thinner. These two benefits may help with circulation and fibroid shrinkage.
Serrapeptase - This enzyme has its source from the intestine of a silkworm. It allows the worm to dissolve its cocoon. Comparable to nattokinase, serrapeptase is considered to be a stronger fibrinolytic agent. Some research done, given traditional use and effectiveness.
Honorable mentions:
Kelp - Kelp is also known as Seaweed (algae). It is nutrient rich, and an excellent source of iodine. Iodine is involved with hormonal production. If hormones are off with over production of estrogen (a factor that causes fibroids), I can see why a kelp additive would be included in a fibroid formula. Read here to get a better perspective on the importance of iodine in your diet.
 (I personally found relief in taking sublingual liquid kelp in alleviating hot flashes. They came back five months later, and I added Vitamin D3 to my regimen and stopped taking the liquid kelp. After almost two weeks with the Vitamin D3, the hot flashes subsided. I have been hot flash- free for almost nine weeks, as of 9/14. Feel free to check out my personal experiment to get rid of my hot flashes here.)
Motherwort - This plant is included in the Mint family. It has been used traditionally to tone the heart and the uterine muscles, and lessen the heavy/constant flow that can lead to anemia. 
Dong Quai - This herb is also known as the "female ginseng".  Used for over 2,000 years as part of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Dong Quai is said to offer vitality and energy to the body. In addition, some research has shown that Dong Quai works as an anti-clotting agent.
Raspberry Leaf - Used traditionally for a wide range of female health symptoms, Raspberry Leaf tones and cleans out the uterus, helps to balance hormones, and can ease pain before and during delivery by relaxing the muscles....(Could it provide a natural alternative to an epidural???)
Chasteberry - Also known as Vitex or Chaste Tree, this plant is the most versatile in its ability to address all issues related to the health of uterus, and female health in general, no matter at what stage a woman is in her life.  Chasteberry alleviates symptoms with menstruation, menopause, pregnancy, infection, and yes, uterine fibroids. 
Ginger - Taking ginger  will alleviate inflammation and pain (cramps, intense headaches), promote better blood circulation (easier menstrual flow), assist in removing toxins out of the body, add a bit of pep to your step, and assist with alertness and concentration.
Cinnamon - This popular spice has anti-coagulant properties (among others), which means it can
prevent and break down clot formations, i.e. fibroids. It also stimulates the liver.
Tumeric - A cousin of Ginger, Tumeric ".....contains curcumin, which is believed to have a wide range of biological effects including anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antitumour, antibacterial, and antiviral activities, which indicate potential in clinical medicine."
                           Know your options in treating Uterine Fibroids
       The information above was compiled to shed light on other options that you may not have considered (that have shown success based on positive reviews and traditional, long-term use) in healing yourself of fibroids. If your Doctor has not mentioned anything for your treatment regarding any of the listed 'natural' ingredients and their possible beneficial effects for your fibroids, ask. Bring all the information you discover to your Doctor about your fibroid protocol, and discuss if something natural' could, or should be added to help you alleviate symptoms and promote fibroid shrinkage, and internal balance. The goal is to cure yourself of fibroids naturally, without surgery -  it can be done.
"For every drug that is given to a patient, there is a natural substance that can achieve the same effect."  -   Dr. Carl Pfeiffer
Happy Health!