
Thursday, December 18, 2014

Herbal/Fruit-Infused Water May Help Fibroids Shrink

      As I have been researching and educating myself about Uterine Fibroids and how to shrink/ dissolve them, my focus has been to do it by natural means. Over the last 2 years, Acupuncture has helped to dramatically decrease my large uterine fibroids. This was the initial option I chose after pondering the prescribed hysterectomy.  Having stopped Acupuncture sessions during this last year, I've experimented with some things, and researched specific herbs, fruits and vegetables that are used in extract form in many 'Fibroid Cure' supplements. After a lengthy review of 18 of the more popular 'Fibroid Cures' that exist, I paid attention to the ingredients, as well as the customer reviews (over time) of the products.  These ingredients were in the form of enzymes  that were derived from food sources. Since the price of these supplements turned me off, I decided to incorporate the foods from which the enzymes were derived into my diet to see if their natural properties would work as well as they seemed to in extract form. I figured if a certain vegetable or fruit had inherent properties to perform or enhance the performance of a bio-activity that would assist in getting rid of my fibroids and help my body get into a healthier state, why not just consume it with some frequency to see if it works.

     I began experimenting in October (2014) with an infusion of a specific mix of  fresh fruits and herbs that (through research, trials and traditional usage) promoted:
  • fibrinolysis*
  • support of the liver and kidneys
  • vitamins, antioxidants
  • blood cleansing and increased circulation
*Fibrin develops naturally in the body, but when there is an excess, fibroids/tumors occur.  Fibroids are made from bands of fibrin that adhere to red blood cells.  Agents or enzymes that can break down fibrin are referred to fibrinolytic, or are said to be able to promote fibrinolysis.

      I drink about 3-4 12 oz. cups of this water by adding more water when I've drunk half of  the cup. The herbs and fruit consistently marinate in the water, infusing it with healing enzymes. So, instead of taking  3 or 4 supplements 3 times a day to promote some shrinking action on the fibroids, drinking the water throughout half the day is more natural, and the only side effect (which is good), is that toxins are being flushed out of the body (and I make a couple more trips to the bathroom).

     Since doing this routine with the infused water 5 - 6 days each week since the beginning of October, I have noticed a significant decrease in the size of my biggest fibroid mass on my right, as well as a complete decrease on my left side - I don't even feel fibroids on my left side anymore!

     This water infusion recipe has been working for me, and because it is made with natural ingredients, if you decide to try it, there should be no harm. I began notice softening of my fibroids on my left side within a week of drinking the infusion. To be clear, I also drink 1 tbls. of Blackstrap Molasses, and ACV with about 6 oz. of water alternately every other day.

 Before taking any supplement or product (or trying a natural water infusion), please consult your Medical Professional. This blog is for informational purposes, and does not take responsibility for the action of its readers. The blogger can only attest to what results have occurred from a personal standpoint.

Ingredients to infuse:

Use room temperature or warm (90 degrees), filtered water (if possible) - 12 to 16 oz.
2 to 3 fresh pineapple cubes (2 - 2.5 inch cuts)
4 raspberries
1 inch cut off of fresh ginger root or 4 pieces (slices) of crystallized ginger
2 to 3 stalks of cilantro (preferable) or parsley
1 to 2 branches of fresh rosemary
1 lemon wedge (one-fourth of a lemon)

     Add all ingredients to water and let stand for about half an hour so that the enzymes can seep into the water, then sip.  Note: If the water is hot, it will destroy the enzymes and nutrients. If using crystallized ginger, naturally there will be a pleasant sweetness from the sugar. To cut down on the sugar content, rinse crystallized sugar slices with water before adding to cup. As you sip down to half of a cup, continue to add more water. The fresh, earthy(grassy) and fruity taste is refreshing on the palette. Also, you will feel motivated to drink more water with the infusion because it:

  • works to dissolve the fibroids - raspberry and pineapple
  • cleans out your organs - parsley or cilantro
  • keeps you hydrated - water content
  • addresses inflammation/bloating - ginger, rosemary
  • alleviates clot formation - raspberry
  • eases fibroid symptoms - ginger, rosemary, pineapple
  • helps you expel the excess estrogen and toxins - lemon, parsley, cilantro

     All of the ingredients, when infused in water can offer these benefits, providing an internal environment that is anti-fibroid. (See individual benefits of ingredients by pressing links)

     With these factors working together from the properties of the fruits/herbs, results of softening/shrinking fibroids have occurred for me.

     I will offer an update before the beginning on the new year with (hopefully) continued shrinkage.

     (When I am home from work, I may drink green tea or half juice/half water. I have been taking  Vitamin B, D3, a Calcium/Magnesium/Zinc combo, low-dose Iron, and Milk Thistle. My diet is mostly vegetarian, cooked and raw, and I concentrate on eating foods that are anti-estrogenic, and mostly alkaline).

     If you decide to try, feel free to let me know how the infusion works for YOU.

Happy Health!


Monday, November 17, 2014

Can Pineapples Shrink Uterine Fibroids?

The Power of the Pineapple

      From recent research about the various systemic enzymes used in 'Fibroid Cure' supplements, one stood out to me: the enzyme Bromelain. Bromelain comes from pineapples (heavier concentrations in the stem and core), and has fibrinolytic properties that can help shrink uterine fibroids.

      I found the use of Bromelain in the majority of the 'Fibroid Cures' I came across, and did some in depth investigating about the powers of the pineapple. I was impressed with the review of the fruit, as well as the myriad of benefits that Bromelain has exhibited in clinical studies. The most current study I've found includes the use of Bromelain in assisting Cancer patients, and enhances recovery time for those that have undergone chemotherapy. It showed that the body in Cancer recovery reacted better to doses of Bromelain than conventional drugs used after chemo treatments, and there were no side effects.  In addition, Bromelain is used/suggested for:

  • reducing swelling (inflammation), especially of the nose and sinuses
  • after surgery or injury
  • hay fever
  • treating a bowel condition that includes swelling and ulcers (ulcerative colitis)
  • removing dead and damaged tissue after injury (debridement)
  • preventing the collection of water in the lung (pulmonary edema),
  • relaxing muscles
  • stimulating muscle contractions
  • slowing clotting
  • improving the absorption of antibiotics
  • preventing cancer
  • shortening labor
  • helping the body get rid of fat
      The highlighted benefits are on cue with shrinking fibroids. Bromelain, is an enzyme composite made up of several other enzymes. An extract of Bromelain is what is used in many Fibroid supplements.  It falls under the classification of being both a systemic AND digestive enzyme. That translates to benefits that assist in better digestion of food in the stomach and through the intestines, which allows for increased nutrient absorption, and by working within the blood to exert anticoagulant, anti-inflammatory, and fibrinolytic properties that can assuage fibroid symptoms, help shrink, and eventually dissolve fibroids.
                               Fibrin development over red blood cells
      Fibroids are composed of layers of fibrin, along with red blood cells and dead cell tissue. Fibrin, is made up of protein. Bromelain is an enzyme that is characterized as proteolytic, which means it can breakdown protein. This, in turn, will cause a breakdown of fibrin, and THAT will assist fibroids to shrink.
      Keep in mind that the regimen to heal oneself of fibroids involves a multi-pronged approach. Balancing hormones, inhibiting excess estrogen production, expelling estrogen by supporting a healthy liver and kidneys, consuming anti-estrogenic, fibrinolytic, and organic foods, exercise, relaxation techniques, and a host of other actions work together in shrinking fibroids. 
     With all the wonderful benefits pineapples offer, it is a travesty that more research hasn't gone into this 'Super Food'. Traditional, cultural use offers evidence of the healing powers of the pineapple, limited medical research has attested to many of its health benefits, but not enough research has been done to declare it "viable" enough to be promoted as bona fide healing agent (along with being a great nutritional source).
    While maintaining my natural approach in dissolving my fibroids, I choose to use food/herbs as means to reset my body back to a healthier, balanced state. Eating to heal is the one of the paths I follow to shrink my fibroids. I believe that God provided Man with herbs, flowers, fruits and vegetables that he would need to heal himself, as He would surely run into some natural, human afflictions that would arise while existing on Earth. 

My adopted mantra by Dr. Carl Pfeiffer goes:
"For every drug that benefits a patient, there is a natural substance that can achieve the same effect."
     The pineapple is one of many natural options that exist to help shrink fibroids, due to the presence and effects of Bromelain. 

      Check with your Doctor first, and get a professional medical opinion if you consider using Bromelain extract, or (my suggested method) incorporating more pineapples into your diet to help shrink your fibroids. Also, do as much research as possible. What may work for one, may not work for another.
Happy Health!

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Ingredients In Fibroid Shrinking Supplements

      The ingredients in  many fibroid shrinking supplements can consist of any combination of vitamins, herbs and/or enzymes in varying proportions. Many formulas offer convincing reviews on their web sites as to their effectiveness, that the product is natural and safe, and guarantees of success.
      In choosing the natural route to shrinking my fibroids (no surgery/anything invasive), I was curious to find out what specific 'natural' ingredients seemed to be causing fibroid shrinkage in these supplements. Moreover, I wanted to explore  a DIY approach by seeking the same/similar results of further shrinkage with my fibroids through consuming the actual fruit or vegetable sources, as opposed to taking the manufactured supplements.
       Below is a list of ingredients I frequently found included in many popular fibroid cures, their sources, and the (possible) beneficial effects they have on fibroids that research has offered through limited testing:
Bromelain - An enzyme derived from the pineapple,  bromelain is more abundant in the stem but pervades throughout the fruit.  It is said (through limited/varied research) to have anti-clotting properties due to its ability to breakdown protein. This, in turn can greatly assist in alleviating painful cramps and heavy clotting during menstruation, and work to dissolve fibrin.
Papain - This enzyme is found in papayas, and also has the ability to break down protein. Hence, it is fribrinolytic. Fibroids are made of fibrin, which consists of protein.....are you following me here, ladies? The breakdown of fibrin leads to shrinking fibroids.
Quercetin - This is a compound found in many vegetables, fruits and grains including: onions, apples, and buckwheat. Tea, especially matcha or green teas possess substantial amounts. Quercetin is said to control inflammation (according to some studies). The use of  quercetin may address bloating and pain.
Rutin - This compound can  be found in apples, asparagus and citrus fruits, among other fruits and vegetables. It is similar in chemical make-up as its cousin quercetin above, and offers the ability to inhibit blood clot formation, and work as an anti-inflammatory.
Amla - Also known as Indian Gooseberry, amla is a fruit that is high in antioxidants and vitamin C. Among its many uses, it serves as a base additive for many Ayuruvedic healing blends, and is known to invigorate the body (by detoxing the liver, and cleansing the blood). Fibroids result due to an overproduction of estrogen. The liver is where estrogen is absorbed out of the body and expelled. If the liver is not working properly, it will not be able to filter the estrogen out, and a reabsorption of estrogen in introduced back into the body. This in turn will lead to the formation of newer fibroids and contribute to current fibroids increasing in size.
Vitamin D -  Exposure to sunlight allows our bodies to naturally produce this vitamin, although other  food sources include eggs, salmon, eel, fortified cereals and processed cheeses. Recent studies have suggested that Vitamin D3 may reduce the risk of uterine fibroids, and assists in shrinking fibroids.
Vitamin E - (Recommended by Dr. Andrew Weil)  Sources of Vitamin E include almonds, wheat germ, peanuts, turnip/mustard/collard greens, safflower oil and spinach. "

How does it work?  "Vitamin E is an important vitamin required for the proper function of many organs in the body. It is also an antioxidant. This means it helps to slow down processes that damage cells.

Nattokinase - "... is an enzyme extracted and purified from a Japanese food called nattō. Nattō is made from fermented soybeans and has been eaten in Japan for about a thousand years."
In relation to fibroids, nattokinase has been shown through various, yet few studies to be a strong fibrinolytic agent, and natural blood-thinner. These two benefits may help with circulation and fibroid shrinkage.
Serrapeptase - This enzyme has its source from the intestine of a silkworm. It allows the worm to dissolve its cocoon. Comparable to nattokinase, serrapeptase is considered to be a stronger fibrinolytic agent. Some research done, given traditional use and effectiveness.
Honorable mentions:
Kelp - Kelp is also known as Seaweed (algae). It is nutrient rich, and an excellent source of iodine. Iodine is involved with hormonal production. If hormones are off with over production of estrogen (a factor that causes fibroids), I can see why a kelp additive would be included in a fibroid formula. Read here to get a better perspective on the importance of iodine in your diet.
 (I personally found relief in taking sublingual liquid kelp in alleviating hot flashes. They came back five months later, and I added Vitamin D3 to my regimen and stopped taking the liquid kelp. After almost two weeks with the Vitamin D3, the hot flashes subsided. I have been hot flash- free for almost nine weeks, as of 9/14. Feel free to check out my personal experiment to get rid of my hot flashes here.)
Motherwort - This plant is included in the Mint family. It has been used traditionally to tone the heart and the uterine muscles, and lessen the heavy/constant flow that can lead to anemia. 
Dong Quai - This herb is also known as the "female ginseng".  Used for over 2,000 years as part of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Dong Quai is said to offer vitality and energy to the body. In addition, some research has shown that Dong Quai works as an anti-clotting agent.
Raspberry Leaf - Used traditionally for a wide range of female health symptoms, Raspberry Leaf tones and cleans out the uterus, helps to balance hormones, and can ease pain before and during delivery by relaxing the muscles....(Could it provide a natural alternative to an epidural???)
Chasteberry - Also known as Vitex or Chaste Tree, this plant is the most versatile in its ability to address all issues related to the health of uterus, and female health in general, no matter at what stage a woman is in her life.  Chasteberry alleviates symptoms with menstruation, menopause, pregnancy, infection, and yes, uterine fibroids. 
Ginger - Taking ginger  will alleviate inflammation and pain (cramps, intense headaches), promote better blood circulation (easier menstrual flow), assist in removing toxins out of the body, add a bit of pep to your step, and assist with alertness and concentration.
Cinnamon - This popular spice has anti-coagulant properties (among others), which means it can
prevent and break down clot formations, i.e. fibroids. It also stimulates the liver.
Tumeric - A cousin of Ginger, Tumeric ".....contains curcumin, which is believed to have a wide range of biological effects including anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antitumour, antibacterial, and antiviral activities, which indicate potential in clinical medicine."
                           Know your options in treating Uterine Fibroids
       The information above was compiled to shed light on other options that you may not have considered (that have shown success based on positive reviews and traditional, long-term use) in healing yourself of fibroids. If your Doctor has not mentioned anything for your treatment regarding any of the listed 'natural' ingredients and their possible beneficial effects for your fibroids, ask. Bring all the information you discover to your Doctor about your fibroid protocol, and discuss if something natural' could, or should be added to help you alleviate symptoms and promote fibroid shrinkage, and internal balance. The goal is to cure yourself of fibroids naturally, without surgery -  it can be done.
"For every drug that is given to a patient, there is a natural substance that can achieve the same effect."  -   Dr. Carl Pfeiffer
Happy Health!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

List of Popular Supplements for Shrinking Fibroids


      Although I have chosen Acupuncture as an alternative treatment (as opposed to having a hysterectomy) in helping me to shrink my fibroids, I am always curious to find out what else is out there that works on a natural level. Some companies try to present their supplements as a "magic bullet" to cure fibroids. Truth be told, in healing oneself of uterine fibroids, it is a drawn out  process. It takes a variety of repeated steps that work in coordination with each other to bring your body and hormones back in sync. So, if you come across a product that you believe may work for you (hopefully you choose it after some extended research), please know that it will take time, and you will have to 'work' in other areas of your life so that there is a gradual, restorative resonance internally that promotes healing; change in diet, no smoking, no alcohol, no caffeine, low stress, exercise, use of natural products, etc. Just taking a "fibroid cure" alone won't do it.

        If you decide you may want to integrate a natural supplemental plan within your fibroid-shrinking routine, here is a list of 18 popular supplements for shrinking fibroids that you may want to review:

Wobenzyme - N
Fibroid Cleanse and Regiment (
Life Source Products
Fibroid Away
      These 'fibroid cures' are not listed in any special manner. They just happened to be the ones that came up with a variety of different key word searches. There are tons more (I'm sure), especially in addition to personally contoured supplemental regimens that a Naturopath or Certified Herbalist would prescribe. One of the biggest features that all of these products have in common is that they are all advertised as being 'natural', and having the highest dosages and quality with their ingredients.
      In this post, I do not condone, nor condemn the use of any of the products above. I present them solely as additional information and options that a female who suffers with uterine fibroids can consider if resorting to a more holistic approach to heal. 
      There is so much information that women don't know when it comes to treating and healing oneself of uterine fibroids. My goal is to spread as much information as possible that I research, so that females can be educated about uterine fibroids, and make better decisions in the course of
action(s) they choose to shrink their fibroids naturally (non-invasively).

If you choose to use one of the listed products, do so at your own risk!!!!

Please consult a Doctor or Health Care practitioner before taking any supplement.

Happy Health!

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Frugal Fixes For Females With Fibroids (Part 2)

        Here is a list of more frugal fixes for females with fibroids (some I use daily and intermittently), and their said effects on shrinking/breaking down uterine fibroids:

***Although this list highlights my personal suggestions of frugal fixes, there are a myriad of other herbs/vitamin supplements that claim to shrink fibroids. Research, and trial and error (under a Physician's care and done with caution) is the key in finding what will work for YOU.

Apple Cider Vinegar -  ....or, ACV as it is affectionately referred to is highly acidic. and offers a great means by which the body can relieve itself of  toxins and fat. I have also read that it helps in breaking down the fibroid (made of fibrin) over time. In addition, ACV helps to alkalize the body, which promotes a less acidic (toxic) internal environment.  Remember, fibroids are a result of a toxic, imbalanced system. I use Apple Cider Vinegar with salads that I eat everyday (sometimes alternating with balsamic),  and I use it with fish and seafood preparations that call for wine.

Recommended dosage: two tablespoons with water or apple juice, daily.

Molasses - Although being seriously sweet and flexible to be used as a substitute in many cooking/baking  recipes, molasses is one of the healthiest things for a woman to ingest. It's full of Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Calcium, B6 and Potassium. All of these minerals and vitamins are essential to the body when the aim is to shrink fibroids.  However, as opposed to having a more direct affect on the fibroids, molasses is good at helping in the regulation of menstruation (stopping heavy periods), and replenishing iron that is lost.

Recommended dosage: Unfiltered is best, one tablespoon per day

Lemon Juice - Chocked full of Vitamin C, lemon juice works similarly to Apple Cider vinegar in that when taken with water, it also promotes internal alkalinization buy driving toxins out of the body. It stimulates the liver, and helps maintain blood sugar levels. With relation to fibroids, lemon juice assists the liver in expelling excess estrogen from the body - remember, fibroids come about when there is too much estrogen floating around.

Recommended dose: (use fresh lemons when possible) a fourth of a wedge of lemon with hot or warm water.

Green Tea - Provides added hydration, is full of vitamins and minerals, a potent antioxidant, and has high levels of alkaloids. More importantly, with respect to fibroids Green Tea contains epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), which has been shown to inhibit the growth of fibroid cells (causes them to stop growing).

Recommended dose: Check with Physician first before using. Green Tea Extract is more potent than drinking a cup  or two of tea everyday, and works faster.

Gelatin -A great source of Folic Acid (B9), which is essential in aiding the body in getting rid of estrogen excess, as well as a good source of protein.

***Folic Acid is also good for hair and nails, so you may see increased growth in both over time when drinking gelatin.

Recommended dosage: I dissolve two to three  tablespoons of powdered gelatin  in 8 oz. of warm or hot water.  However, I read where some take up to half of a packet of gelatin. Research all the facts. Drink daily as an alternative to plain water or Green Tea.

Milk Thistle - This herb is used to support the liver, which expels estrogen from the body. The better your liver works, the healthier you can become internally because all the junk is being filtered out. When it stays in the system, hence cometh the fibroids.

Recommended dosage: Consult a Physician first before implementing into your regimen.

Vitamin D - Shown from a recent study to shrink fibroids in rats, Vitamin D contains a compound that stops or slows down the growth of fibroids.  (I do know that by taking it on a regular basis,  Vitamin D stopped my hot flashes) If there has been any affect on my fibroids, it is hard to gauge because I am also taking Chinese herbs with my Acupuncture regimen. So we will see.

Recommended dosage: Get some sun throughout the week on a regular basis. This is the best source of Vitamin D, and you can't overdose from being in the sun too long. Darker-skinned people need to be exposed to sunlight longer to get sufficient amounts of Vitamin D than lighter-skinned people.

Also, drink Vitamin D3 reinforced milk and juices (although the amount of Vitamin D in these products is not equivalent to what you would get from the sun).

You can also take Vitamin D3 supplements (as opposed to Vitamin D2). Please consult your Physician before implementing into your supplement regimen.

Garlic - (My favorite fix) Garlic helps to boost the immune system due to its high antioxidative properties. It can also, slowly inhibit fibroid cell growth.

Recommendation: Garlic is more powerful when eaten in a raw state: chopped, minced, sliced. When cooked, it loses some of its antioxidative power, but is still good for the body. Use as a regular seasoning with meals.

Tumeric - I heard about Tumeric when I first started my fibroid journey. Actually, there was a Doctor on a talk show who mentioned that Tumeric was good for shrinking fibroids - so I did research. I use it in my vegetable broth a couple of times each week when I do a short-term fast. It detoxifies the body, as well as supports the liver. Again, when the liver is functioning optimally, it can get rid of the excess estrogen which promotes the growth of fibroids.

Recommended dosage: First consult a Physician before implementing into your healing regimen. Check out side effects! (Amongst other things, it can cause insomnia if you take too much - half of a teaspoon is fine with 8 - 10 oz. of liquid).

Vitex - Recommended by Hippocrates (460-375 B.C), the Father of Medicine himself, for what he termed "uterine stones". "Researchers believe that Vitex works by regulating the pituitary gland, the one that tells other glands how much of each hormone to make. The hormone in question here is estrogen, on which Vitex has a regulating effect. Vitex needs to be taken for six months for its full benefits to be felt."
I tried Vitex early on in my fibroid journey, but it caused me to menstruate for several days outside of my regular cycle. At that point, I was borderline anemic, and didn't need anything that was going to make me bleed more. I stopped taking it after about two weeks.

Recommended dosage: Consult a Physician first before implementing.

Siberian Ginseng (Eleuthero Root) - This root has been used in Chinese medicine for over 3000 years. It promotes circulation and reduces heavy bleeding, helps the body sustain energy levels, and supports the adrenal gland, which helps the body handle physical and mental stress.

Recommended dosage: Please consult a Physician before implementing into supplemental regimen.

Gerson Therapy - This method was designed by Dr. Max Gerson in response to an alternative, non- surgical treatment for cancer (and other degenerative diseases).  It helps the body restore and regenerate itself through raw foods, vegetable and fruit juices, coffee enemas and natural supplements. The Gerson Therapy diet platform can be used for detoxing the body, which, in turn will help shrink uterine fibroids. Feel free to check out the link above.

Vitamin E - Another powerful antioxidant, Vitamin E protects the body from free radicals which can cause cells to degenerate quickly.  When that happens, the body becomes vulnerable to disease. According to Dr.Tori Hudson, Naturopathic Physician, Researcher, and author of Women's Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine: Alternative Therapies and Integrative Medicine for Total Health and Wellness, "free radicals can promote fibroids".
In addition, Dr. Andrew Weil, the former U. S. Surgeon General (and current Integrative Physician) recommends taking Vitamin E for uterine fibroids in his Condition Care Guide. I take Vitamin E only every so often, as I do with other Vitamins I take (except for Vitamin D and Vitamin B), because I focus on getting as much nutrition as possible through food. A great source of Vitamin E is wheat germ.

Ladies, as you go along your fibroid journey, remember Pfeiffer's Law:

"For every drug that benefits a patient, there is a natural substance that can achieve the same effect."

This is Part 2. Part 1 is here.

Happy Health!


Saturday, July 12, 2014

Taking Vitamin D Stopped My Hot Flashes: Follow-up Report


                                No More Hot Flashes!!!!!

       On my blog post for May 9, 2014, I relayed the results of a personal experiment with taking  Vitamin D to improve/stop my hot flashes. Its been over 60 days, and I have not had ONE hot flash!
I have maintained my routine of taking Vitamin D (with Vitamin B) every other day, and especially on days when I am not able to spend some time in the sun. I've begun to incorporate a daily stroll during my breaks at work to the park across the street, and just sit by the fountains for 20 minutes or so in direct sunlight. So when I get a substantial amount of sun, I don't take Vitamin D. Many reports I've read all agree that the sun is a human's best source of Vitamin because the body absorbs it better, and naturally, synthesizing all that it needs to function optimally. Of course, milk and juices reinforced with Vitamin D are great, as well.  However, I have subscribed to the idea of getting as much of the daily nutrients I need by eating the right kinds of foods in the right combinations, as opposed to relying on taking tons of supplements everyday. As it has been said, "Food is the best medicine".

       My quality of life has greatly improved with no more hot flashes:

  • No more waking up in pools of sweat at night.
  • Now I can actually sleep well for up to 8 hours without having to run to the shower, then remake the bed with fresh sheets.
  • I have not experienced any insomnia (which comes as a symptom of my perimenopausal state.
  • I don't have to suck on cubes of ice or run into the freezer when at work to cool off.
  • I don't worry about bursting out in a profuse, embarrassing sweat while in front of clients when making a presentation.
  • I don't have to run to bathroom several times throughout my work shift to partially undress and wipe myself of (constant refresh).

        I feel normal again! Of course those ladies around me who have gone through hot flashes guarantee me that they will be back. They have expressed  that there's just been a fluctuation in my estrogen levels (lower), and that accounts for the lack of hot flashes. Based on this sentiment, by taking the Vitamin, the hot flashes stopped. As I continue to take the Vitamin D (intermittently), and get more sun throughout the week, the flashes have not come back. So, I will continue my routine until something different occurs.

        Although I took the chance of taking Vitamin D without Doctor's supervision, I strongly suggest that you get tested to see if you actually are deficient, first. If so, allow your Doctor to prescribe dosage and/or frequency. I was prompted to try it because of all the research I had done prior, realizing that I was not getting any sunshine, and, due to being extremely healthy/non-allergic to anything, I figured it wouldn't hurt my body. I was sure that if I began having some off things to occur from the routine I chose to follow with a daily dose of Vitamin D, naturally I would stop. In addition, as I have also been on a journey to shrink my fibroids as naturally as possible (foregoing a hysterectomy).  I have done short-term experiments with natural herbs in the past, so I concluded this instance would be no different. If it worked and I noticed a difference, fine. If not, I'd stop taking it.

    The jury is still out on the direct link of how Vitamin D and hot flashes are connected. The most recent medical report I've come across (done/published April, 2014) highlights that there was no significant proof that Vitamin D deficiency played a specific role in causing hot flashes. However, the trial was done with one group of women that were menopausal, and on a  short-term basis. In addition, the trial was done to gage Vitamin D and Calcium. The sample was too small to declare are that 'a low level of Vitamin D does NOT cause hot flashes' (as well as other menopausal symptoms)
Not enough trials and testing has been done. Humbly, the report concluded that "looking at vitamin D levels in women as they go through the menopause transition might be valuable" - no sh*t!

      As clinical trials and studies slowly come about to enlighten us women on information that can knowingly keep us healthier and happier as our bodies transition from multiple phases throughout life, we may find ourselves resorting to personal experiments (such as mine) to figure things out for ourselves. What may work for some, may not work for others. Trials and studies take time (as they should). However, I'd personally rather compliment what my Doctor has suggested, then research and become educated about options that have shown positive results, and then be involved in (or direct) my course of medically preventive action. To be a 'meducated' patient means you are an empowered patient. You don't have to feel forced to take only one course of action. An end can be justified by several means, not just one.

      If you are experiencing Menopause, and you have hot flashes, in addition to other symptoms, feel free to peruse these three sources from Penny Wise Budoff, a long-standing physician and "blockbuster" researcher of female health. Essentially, she showed the Medical community physical and emotional discomfort before, during and after menstruation WASN'T something "in the mind", or "in your head" symptoms. She proved what was actually going on was REAL, from the biological/chemical connections and processes that occurred at certain times (of the month) within the female body. Her research and professional perspective will empower, educate, and relate to YOU.
Check out these great sources:                                                         



1. No More Hot Flashes

2. No More Hot Flashes .....and Good News

3. No More Hot Flashes...and Even Better News

              If there are any questions that you want answered that I have not addressed on this blog, based on research/actual experience with regards to uterine fibroids, acupuncture and menopause, please feel free to leave a comment, or contact me by e-mail. I research all things related to uterine fibroids and menopause on a daily basis...the new and insightful, as well as the traditional and overlooked techniques (that have worked) is what I focus on in healing myself. I don't discount Traditional Western Medical practices at all, and am grateful for Western Medical advancement and technology. I applaud them!......But sometimes, I might just find (and entertain) something that has been shown to work, and has a natural affinity with the human body. No side effects (such as anal leakage and suicidal ideations, etc.) if taken under professional supervision, cautiously, and correctly. No surgery if not absolutely necessary.  Do you FEEL me???

This is the follow-up   (Part 1 is here)

Happy Health!